I’m going to try an
experiment. I’m going to see if I can
write reviews in less than 1,000 words.
As you’ve doubtless noticed, it typically takes you as long to
read my review as it does to watch the damn film. So I’m going to see if I have any talent for
(relative) brevity.
And the first film I am going
to try this on for size with is The (so-called) Amazing Spider-Man.
First off - and just to
get this off my chest – I don’t like origin stories. If origin stories were so important, then
every movie would be one. By which, I
don’t just mean every superhero movie
… I mean every movie. But they aren’t,
are they? The rom-coms or zombie
holocaust movies you watch don’t spend their first hour telling you the entire
life-story of every character, do they?
No. In fact, most movies don’t bother with being an origin story, it’s something
that's almost unique to the Superhero genre.
Makers of other genres have
realised that we are sophisticated enough to understand and identify with
characters without having to sit through their home movies and baby photos.
Now, I appreciate that
sometimes you need to see scenes from a character’s past to understand their
personality, motivations, background or whatever … But a pre-title prologue or
a couple of informative flash-backs should cover that – if a few simple lines
of dialogue won’t.
(Hm. 250 words and I haven’t
even got to the film yet. Not looking
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Tobey or not Tobey ... Erm ... Not Tobey. |
So, when they announced that The ‘Amazing’ Spider-Man was a re-boot and an origin story, my heart sank. It’s only ten years since we had to go
through all this with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire. Do we really have to sit through the
bullying, the spider-bite, Uncle Ben’s death and yacketty-schmatty,
blah-blah-blah all over again? Yes, it
seems we do and we can’t even do it quickly.
We have to spend fully half of this two and a quarter hour movie
revisiting familiar ground.
They’ve taken much of their
inspiration from Brian Bendis’ ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ reboot of the comic which
began to be published in 2000, rather than the Stan Lee / Steve Ditko original
which dates from 1962. Raimi very-much
cleaved to the original in terms of tone, so to go elsewhere was a sensible way
to push the franchise forward. Except,
since the differences are mostly cosmetic, why bother going back to square one? That still makes no sense to me. Can you tell?
Andrew Garfield’s rendition
of Peter is quirkier and more physical than Maguire’s. He’s more temperamental and more
argumentative and, therefore, possibly more convincing as the sarcastic
wise-cracking Web-Head. Maguire always
seemed too sweet and earnest to do the trade-mark Spidey one-liners I grew up
reading in the comics. But you only get
a couple of examples of this humour in this film. So, not really The Amusing Spider-Man, then.
When he is learning to use
his new powers and dealing with his sometimes-sticky, sometimes-not fingers and
proportional-strength-of-a-spider (as they used to call it) Garfield is very
funny – He obviously has a gift for physical comedy, even if he is a bit to
lanky and good-looking to prat-fall convincingly. But his emotions are on-and-off so quickly,
it is difficult to become emotionally involved in him. This is not necessarily a fault of the
performance so much as the frantic pace of the editing and the brevity of such
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Gwen Stacy ... She loves a man to have his heart on his sleeve ... And his blood too. |
Then you’ve got the fact that
they have decided to have Gwen (played by Emma Stone) be the focus of his affections
instead of Mary-Jane. This is being true
to the original 60s comics that they are, otherwise, ignoring. So why bother making the change? To be fair to Stone – her rendition of Gwen is
far less annoying than Bryce Howard’s was in Spider-Man 3 (2007). The
lengthy scenes with them stumbling through their courtship … Just don’t
sparkle. There is no spark between the
two characters. I didn’t care about
them, or their relationship.
Visually, the film is quite
dark, shot mostly at night with deliberately subdued colours … Which are even
dimmer in 3D, of course. I presume this
palette and shooting style was part of abandoning the light-hearted tone of the
Raimi films and an attempt to make this new rendition seem grittier. More ‘street’. However, the frankly lame story contrives to
make that seem foolish.
Where the first half was
unnecessarily long-winded, the second half leaps from half-formed plot-point to
plot-point with scant regard for logic or continuity. Plot-lines are abandoned or just plain
forgotten about, time-jumps occur without warning (Connors all-of-a-sudden has
a lab in the sewers) and major details are skated over in a montage (such as
the creation of the web-shooters and the creation of the costume and the
existence of the Spider-Sense).
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Youth perfects world's least impressive high-wire act. |
But, beyond that, there are
the frequent plot contrivances. If this
is supposed to be Spider-Man re-imagined for a more sophisticated twenty-first
century audience, why are we insulted by the sort of lame co-incidences and
conveniences that we might have expected to have seen in the 70s TV version of
Plot Contrivance #1: Peter investigates Connors, who just happens
to be his father’s ex-partner and, it is strongly hinted, is the reason for his
father’s disappearance.
Plot Contrivance #2: Gwen just happens to be Connor’s Intern
(that’ll come in useful).
Plot Contrivance #3: Peter just happens to bump into Mr. Ratha,
who just happens to drop a folder containing papers which just happen have the
00 logo Peter is investigating from his father’s notes.
Plot Contrivance #4: Peter’s father bred the spiders that will
turn him into a super-hero.
Plot Contrivance #5: Connors just happens to have a ‘Ganali
Device’ designed to distribute drugs through the air over an entire city. Well that
won’t be turned to nefarious ends at the end of the film!
I could go on and so, since
my 1,000th word happens to be this
one, and I have therefore failed, I shall
go on!
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You've got to hand it to him. What? What? As jokes go, that was fairly armless. |
Rhys Ifans plays Connors. He’s not the most endearing of actors … His
characters always seem to be cold and emotionless and that stops you liking them
(unless they’re in grubby Y-fronts, of course).
He is to-all-intents-and-purposes playing the same role as Willem Dafoe in
the 2002 Spider-Man and Alfred Molina
in the 2004 sequel – the scientist driven mad by his own creation. Boiler-plate Jekyll-and-Hyde stuff, in other
His motives are, essentially,
noble, although he has clearly made the old deal-with-The-Devil, in the form of
the afore-mentioned Mr Ratha who represents the unseen Norman Osborn. The Connors of the comics was always a tragic
character rather than out-and-out evil.
There is the merest hint of that here, given that his research is
primarily a way for him to grow himself a new arm. Which it does. But that, of course, is not all he
grows. The first transformation into The
Lizard is dealt with well, in the traditional Jekyll-and-Hyde manner, but the
creature into which he changes reminded me of nothing so much a Ray
Harryhausen’s Ymir from 20 Million Miles
to Earth (1957).
The first time he and
Spider-man meet – on the bridge – is the stand-out sequence in the film and is
the only time Garfield has the on-screen soul that Maguire so effortlessly
So, there are one-or-two
laugh-out-loud jokes for the humorously-challenged (the teenagers sitting
around me were laughing like drains … I smiled occasionally), there are
impressive visuals and one-or-two moments that set the senses buzzing. But there is also a lot of padding, a lot of
problems with tone, a lot of insulting the audience’s intelligence and memory
and, ultimately, far, far, far too much time spent showing us scenes we can
vividly remember from last time round.
We were promised ‘The Untold
Story’. What we got instead was ‘The
Oft-Better-Told Story’. What they should
have done (had they but asked my advice) is go with the Amazing title (rather than Spider-Man
4), cast a new director and a new actor, but carried on. Sure, change the tone, that’s fine … That
happens in the comic every time a new creative team takes over, that’s to be
expected … But going back to square one and starting again? That was unnecessary and foolish … And
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"Cowabunga, dude". Oh, sorry, wrong reptile. |
And so, finally, we get to my
favourite bugbear … The 3D. Well, given
that the colours were washed out and the night scenes were distractingly dim …
I took my 3D glasses off, which immediately improved the colour and brightness
I was seeing. But, interestingly, for
the vast majority of the film, this made no difference. When you watch a 3D film without glasses, it should be blurred. Unwatchable.
Yet The (self-styled) Amazing Spider-Man wasn’t. The long-shots were a bit blurred, the
fight-scenes and web-slinging scenes were extremely blurred (I put the glasses
back on for these) but I’d say that, for a good 80% of the film, watching
without glasses made absolutely no difference.
So much for expensive, cutting-edge 3D technology.
There has already been some
very detailed analysis of this film and I would point you to the piece, which
deals with some of the plot-threads that were left dangling from the film, and
uses some of the footage released in the trailers to illustrate that this
material was shot, but obviously chopped out.
(Which makes one wonder if we’re going to be treated to a three-hour
‘Director’s Cut’). Anyway, it is on Badass Digest and you’ll find it here.
Then the second piece I’d
like you to read is one of Cinema Blend’s
excellent ‘To 3D Or Not To 3D’ columns where they spell out far more
methodically than I, what’s wrong with the extra dimension in this film. You’ll find that piece here.
Right, well that’s 1,600
words of my first 1,000 word review.
Bugger. Must try harder!
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1,600 words? Hang your head in shame! |
Great review. I stumbled upon this doing an image search and found that you pointed out a lot of shortcomings that many other reviews ignored. I suppose I don't have the same problem with origin stories but the retelling here was certainly extraneous.